Rhopalomyia fusiformae

Family: Cecidomyiidae | Genus: Rhopalomyia
Detachable: integral
Color: brown, red, yellow, green, purple
Texture: bumpy, hairless, succulent
Shape: linear
Season: Summer, Fall
Alignment: erect, leaning
Walls: thin
Location: bud, upper leaf, lower leaf, flower, stem
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Rhopalomyia fusiformae
image of Rhopalomyia fusiformae
image of Rhopalomyia fusiformae

The plant-feeding gall midges of North America

Galls are monothalamous and green to purple. The biology is probably similar to that of pedicellata...Host: E. graminifolia...

- Raymond J. Gagne: (1989) The plant-feeding gall midges of North America©

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