Phylloxera auburnensis

Family: Phylloxeridae | Genus: Phylloxera
Detachable: integral
Color: green
Texture: pubescent, hairy, hairless
Shape: globular
Season: Spring
Alignment: integral
Walls: ostiole
Location: upper leaf, lower leaf, leaf midrib, between leaf veins
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Phylloxera auburnensis
image of Phylloxera auburnensis
image of Phylloxera auburnensis
image of Phylloxera auburnensis
image of Phylloxera auburnensis
image of Phylloxera auburnensis

Species Diversity of Hickory-feeding Phylloxerans (Hemiptera: Phylloxeridae) in the U.S.

Phylloxera auburnensis Hamilton, sp. n.

Hosts: Carya pallida

Galls: Green, glabrous, and raised to a point on adaxial leaf surface; on abaxial leaf surface more convex, light green, pubescent, and globular; distributed along midvein of leaf

Slightly convex and raised to a point above, green and glabrous, and diameter 2.5–4.5 mm; below globular and more convex, light green, and densely pubescent; distributed along midvein of leaf. Opening round and surrounded by 5–6 short pubescent bracts which extend out from the gall surface when open.

[Type specimen collected in April]

[A figure of the gall appears on page 123 of the pdf. A discussion of how to distinguish this gall from the similar P caryaeavellana appears on page 71.]

Range: AL

- Fredericka Blair Hamilton: (2019) Species Diversity of Hickory-feeding Phylloxerans (Hemiptera: Phylloxeridae) in the U.S.©

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