Epiblema desertana

Family: Tortricidae | Genus: Epiblema
Detachable: integral
Color: brown, green, tan
Texture: hairy, hairless, ribbed, ruptured/split
Abundance: occasional
Season: Summer, Fall, Winter
Alignment: integral
Walls: thick
Location: stem
Form: tapered swelling
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Epiblema desertana
image of Epiblema desertana
image of Epiblema desertana
image of Epiblema desertana
image of Epiblema desertana
image of Epiblema desertana

Biology and taxonomy of three gall forming species of Epiblema (Olethreutidae)

"I found E. desertanum only on the grass leaved goldenrod Solidago graminifolia (L.) Salisb. [Euthamia graminifolia]"
"...limited observations suggest similar [tip-mining] by E. desertana]."
"...E. desertanum galls occasionally ruptured..."

- William E. Miller: (1977) Biology and taxonomy of three gall forming species of Epiblema (Olethreutidae)©

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