Callirhytis furva (agamic)

Family: Cynipidae | Genus: Callirhytis
Detachable: detachable
Color: brown
Texture: woolly, hairy
Abundance: abundant
Shape: cluster
Season: Summer, Fall
Alignment: erect, supine, leaning
Walls: thick
Location: upper leaf, leaf midrib, on leaf veins
Cells: monothalamous
Possible Range:i
Common Name(s):
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image of Callirhytis furva (agamic)
image of Callirhytis furva (agamic)
image of Callirhytis furva (agamic)
image of Callirhytis furva (agamic)
image of Callirhytis furva (agamic)
image of Callirhytis furva (agamic)
image of Callirhytis furva (agamic)
image of Callirhytis furva (agamic)
image of Callirhytis furva (agamic)

New American Cynipid Wasps From Galls

Callirhytis furva, new species

Small, somewhat globular galls, 3-4 mm in diameter covered with short, straight, stiff brown hairs, scattered along midrib or main veins on upper side of leaf in the fall and dropping off singly when mature. The hairs do not weather away during winter. Similar to galls of C infuscata on Quercus laevis in Florida., On Quercus catesbaei [laevis], coccinea, falcata, ilicifolia, imbricaria, laurifolia, marilandica, myrtifolia, nigra, palustris, phellos, velutina: Small cluster of globular galls, 3-4 mm in dia., each covered with short, straight brown hairs, on upper side of leaf in fall.

- LH Weld: (1952) New American Cynipid Wasps From Galls©


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