[Host:] Fraxinus sp. Ash
Inflorescence gall caused by Eriophyes fraxinivorus Nalepa
The infested inflorescence shows swollen and fused pedicels of individual flowers, often involving the peduncle or stalk. There is considerable distortion, and when the infestation is severe, every inflorescence is galled. Fully developed galls are conspicuously brownish, lumpy, and unsightly, usually remaining attached to the twigs from one season to the next. Galled inflorescences can be found throughout the year and are locally abundant ... European species
[photos p. 88]
”- Hartford Keifer,Edward Baker,Tokuwo Kono,Mercedes Delfinado,William Styer: (1982) An Illustrated Guide to Plant Abnormalities Caused by Eriophyid Mites in North America©